This poker book, however, is different from other ones. The reason is simple: this book is written by someone like yourself, only a few years ahead in experience. I used to be like you! In fact, probably a lot worse because when I started playing Texas Hold’em I thought you had to use BOTH your whole cards and only 3 from the middle to make a hand! For this reason, the book breaks down EVERY SINGLE LESSON and concept I have learned over time and basically translates it into plain English. It explains all the simple concepts you NEED to know to win, plus some more advanced ones for the quick learners. These are concepts you can use straight away when you join a table tonight! It touches on all the crucial points I have been asked to cover by players like you, and more importantly, it has been used by players with hardly any poker experience to win money online themselves, and fast. It sole purpose is SPECIFICALLY to take a new player from no experience to a winning player! Inside you’ll discover the answers to all the important questions: from which hands to play, to how to calculate odds in your head in seconds, to how to use basic psychology to throw off your opponents and much more.