Roulette Bot Pro is made to work only at single zero European roulettes table that have the “free spin” feature. This gives you better odds than a double zero American roulette table. The free spin feature means you are allowed to spin the roulette wheel without placing a bet. Currently the automatic and semi automatic betting modes only work for casinos that use the Playtec gaming software platform. You can use Roulette Bot Pro at any casino that is not a Playtec casino in manual mode.
Roulette Bot Pro is totally legal because it does not interfere or modify the casino software or security systems in any way. Roulette Bot Pro is also undetectable by casino software because it uses image based recognition technology. I have personally run Roulette Bot Pro for more than 24 hours straight doing over 200,000 spins non stop without any problems with the program or the casino questioning anything.
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