Online Betting online poker

Lotto PowerPlayer Pro

Lotto PowerPlayer Pro lottery software is the best lottery software for lottery players from around the world ( for exemple: powerball lottery, florida lottery). With this lotto system you can track and analyze historical winning numbers, generate new numbers, apply numerous filters and statistics to generated numbers. Lotto PowerPlayer Pro support more than 18 countries regions lotteries (United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Greece, Ireland, South Africa, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia etc.). We update all the lotteries drawings every day.

1.Filtering support the Logical Condition "AND" and "OR".
2. Support all pick 4 through 7 Wheels.
3. Free update powerball lottery, florida lottery ect, Supportmore than 100 lotteries.
4. More than 50 charts and 16 kind of statistics.
5. By statistic automation set filters value.
6.Works with all pick 1 through pick 15 with up to 80 numbers.
7. Generate tickets very fast, Generate 1000000 tickets only need 3 sec.
8. More than 40 kind of filters. (base filters can set filters condition automation, save your time).

Support Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista

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